Software Defined Networking
It’s a new method of virtualization that sits on top of a network to prioritize traffic, increase the efficiency of infrastructure and more. The technology has a lot of complexity behind it and is a new idea that requires a large amount of education.
It’s important to get an understanding of the environment that has created a need for this technology. This is an age of innovative new technology. Devices such as the smartphone and tablet have changed how employees interact with a company’s network. This access is creating strain that organizations are slow to be able to manage. Data networks are like arteries and one clog can be fatal. New platforms are needed to manage the more dynamic environment and activity running across a network on an everyday basis. While OpenFlow protocol and software-defined networking may not be new pieces of technology to virtualization and networking experts, it’s a new tech offering for VARs. Solutions offer the promise of managing the flow of traffic and creating greater networking efficiencies through virtualization.
SDN ideally virtualizes all of the layers of the network, in some cases only certain layers (2-3 or 4-7), and sits on top of a network stack. And, SDN is a solution sell, not a box sell. Every network is built differently and SDN needs to be tailored to the needs or efficiencies desired of the network. Additionally, SDN can be used to prioritize traffic on the network. The customization of SDN is not what makes it a solution sell, though. Offering SDN requires a more consultative role from VARs. As it takes a deal of education and review of current capabilities to highlight the benefits that make sense for an organization at the time of sale, the VAR must take time to understand the current network environment before bringing in the sell. It’s also a large deployment and takes a lot of effort to ensure its being managed in the right way.
Third, SDN makes it easy for VARs to add value to any customer’s current technology portfolio. SDN not only complements a VAR and customer’s technology portfolio, but provides much needed security, interoperability and compliance functions showcases the benefits of the technology offering. This enables the customer to realize full ROI on already-deployed solutions, making the VAR a true partner for ensuring this happens.
Click to go our Cloud NFV proposal.
It’s important to get an understanding of the environment that has created a need for this technology. This is an age of innovative new technology. Devices such as the smartphone and tablet have changed how employees interact with a company’s network. This access is creating strain that organizations are slow to be able to manage. Data networks are like arteries and one clog can be fatal. New platforms are needed to manage the more dynamic environment and activity running across a network on an everyday basis. While OpenFlow protocol and software-defined networking may not be new pieces of technology to virtualization and networking experts, it’s a new tech offering for VARs. Solutions offer the promise of managing the flow of traffic and creating greater networking efficiencies through virtualization.
SDN ideally virtualizes all of the layers of the network, in some cases only certain layers (2-3 or 4-7), and sits on top of a network stack. And, SDN is a solution sell, not a box sell. Every network is built differently and SDN needs to be tailored to the needs or efficiencies desired of the network. Additionally, SDN can be used to prioritize traffic on the network. The customization of SDN is not what makes it a solution sell, though. Offering SDN requires a more consultative role from VARs. As it takes a deal of education and review of current capabilities to highlight the benefits that make sense for an organization at the time of sale, the VAR must take time to understand the current network environment before bringing in the sell. It’s also a large deployment and takes a lot of effort to ensure its being managed in the right way.
Third, SDN makes it easy for VARs to add value to any customer’s current technology portfolio. SDN not only complements a VAR and customer’s technology portfolio, but provides much needed security, interoperability and compliance functions showcases the benefits of the technology offering. This enables the customer to realize full ROI on already-deployed solutions, making the VAR a true partner for ensuring this happens.
Click to go our Cloud NFV proposal.
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